Tanzania is home to some of the most diverse and stunning national parks in Africa, and one such park is the Ruaha National Park. Located in the heart of Tanzania, the park boasts a unique blend of diverse flora and fauna, stunning landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. In this article, we will take a closer look at Ruaha National Park and explore what makes it one of the most unique and awe-inspiring parks in Tanzania.

History and Geography

Ruaha National Park was established in 1964 and covers an area of approximately 20,000 square kilometers. The park is located in the southern part of Tanzania, bordering the Great Rift Valley to the east and the Rungwa River to the west. The park is named after the Ruaha River, which runs through the park and is the lifeline of the ecosystem. The park is divided into two distinct zones, the eastern and western zone, each with its unique landscapes and ecosystems.


Tanzania is a country renowned for its stunning national parks and wildlife reserves. One of the lesser-known but equally impressive parks is Ruaha National Park. Located in the heart of Tanzania, this park is an oasis of wilderness, home to a diverse range of wildlife and stunning natural scenery.

History of Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park was established in 1964 and covers an area of approximately 22,000 square kilometers. Originally, it was part of the Rungwa Game Reserve until it was gazetted as a national park. The park’s name is derived from the Great Ruaha River, which flows through the park, providing a vital source of water for the park’s wildlife.

Geography and Wildlife

Ruaha National Park is a unique combination of rugged landscapes, rolling hills, and vast plains. The park’s location between two biomes, the Eastern Arc Mountains and the Southern African savanna, makes it a biodiversity hotspot. The park is home to over 570 bird species, 80 animal species, and over 1,000 plant species.


The park’s diverse wildlife includes elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, wild dogs, and hyenas. Ruaha is also one of the best places in Tanzania to spot the endangered African wild dog, with a population of around 100 individuals. In addition, the park is home to various antelope species, including the rare and elusive Greater Kudu.


Ruaha National Park is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 570 species recorded in the park. The park’s birdlife is diverse, including species like the African fish eagle, bateleur eagle, southern ground hornbill, and red-billed hornbill.

Activities in Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park offers visitors a range of activities, including game drives, walking safaris, and birdwatching. Visitors can also take guided tours to the park’s historical sites, such as the Great Ruaha River and the park’s rock paintings.

Game Drives

Game drives are the most popular activity in Ruaha National Park. Visitors can take guided tours through the park’s rugged terrain to spot wildlife, including the park’s predators and herbivores.

Walking Safaris

Walking safaris offer visitors a unique opportunity to explore the park’s wilderness on foot, accompanied by a professional guide. Walking safaris are an excellent way to experience the park’s smaller inhabitants, such as insects, reptiles, and birds.


Ruaha National Park is a haven for birdwatchers, with over 570 species recorded in the park. Visitors can take guided tours to various birding hotspots in the park, such as the Ruaha River and the Mwagusi Sand River.


Ruaha National Park offers visitors a range of accommodation options, from luxury lodges to basic campsites. Some of the park’s lodges are located along the Great Ruaha River, providing stunning views of the river and the park’s wildlife.


Ruaha National Park is a hidden gem in Tanzania’s national park system, offering visitors a unique and authentic African wilderness experience. With its diverse wildlife, stunning natural scenery, and range of activities, Ruaha is a must-visit destination for any wildlife enthusiast.


  1. How do I get to Ruaha National Park?
    • The park can be accessed via road or air, with daily flights from Dar es Salaam and other major Tanzanian cities.
  2. When is the best time to visit Ruaha National Park?
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